Winning For Women PAC Endorses Mary Draves in Battleground MI-08

June 14, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC – Winning For Women PAC (WFW PAC) today announced it is endorsing Mary Draves, who is running to be the next member of Congress in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District. This race is a prime opportunity for Republicans to flip an open seat in a district that has been trending Republican in recent years. The seat is currently held by Democrat Rep. Dan Kildee, who is not seeking re-election.

With this endorsement, WFW PAC will max out to the Draves campaign and has already scheduled fundraisers throughout the country to help ensure she has the resources needed to win. This cycle, WFW PAC has already backed over a dozen House candidates and incumbents running for re-election, and WFW AF’s leadership has raised over $1 million in hard dollars for WFW PAC’s endorsed candidates.

WFW PAC’s Current List of 2024 Endorsements: 


Rep. Young Kim (CA-40)
Rep. Michelle Steel (CA-45)
Rep. Maria Salazar (FL-27)
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01)
Rep. Ashley Hinson (IA-02)
Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05)
Rep. Monica De La Cruz (TX-15)
Rep. Celeste Maloy (UT-02)
Rep. Jen Kiggans (VA-02)


Nancy Dahlstrom (AK-AL)
Mary Draves (MI-08)
Laurie Buckhout (NC-01)
Julie Fedorchak (ND-AL)
Alison Esposito (NY-18)
Leslie Lewallen (WA-03)

“Flipping districts like this is critical to expanding the House majority,” said Danielle Barrow, Executive Director of WFW PAC. “As a lifelong Michigander and a successful business leader, Mary is exactly the kind of candidate we need in this race. She will be a strong and principled voice in Congress, reflecting the values of the people of MI-08 who have been left behind by the Biden Administration and D.C. Democrats. We are excited to help ensure she has the resources needed to win in both the primary and general elections.”

“Mid-Michigan has been forgotten, and 40 years of Democrat policies have left our economy in shambles,” said Mary Draves, candidate for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District. “I am honored to have earned an endorsement from Winning For Women PAC, and am excited to work alongside the next generation of women leaders in our nation. My whole career has been centered around innovation and job creation in the workplace. From my time at Dow keeping plant workers safely employed, to working with 4H to support the next generation of farmers and agricultural leaders, to working in my family’s small business which has provided jobs in mid-Michigan for over 70 years, I understand what is important to our communities and will be a powerful advocate for MI-08 in DC. The Biden administration and national Democrats have done enough damage, it’s time to do it the mid-Michigan way.”


WFW PAC is proud to provide hard-dollar support to help fuel the campaigns of top women candidates. In addition, WFW Action Fund (WFW AF), the first Republican Super PAC dedicated solely to electing women, provides critical, independent, early support that is a key factor in winning elections. WFW PAC and related groups raised more than $17 million to support GOP women last cycle. This past Tuesday, WFW AF celebrated Julie Fedorchak’s primary victory in North Dakota’s At-Large Congressional District after investing heavily in GOTV text messages in the final weeks of her campaign.