Winning For Women Action Fund Makes Another Major Investment In NY-03 Special Election

February 7, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Winning For Women Action Fund (WFW AF) announced another major investment to support Republican Mazi Pilip in New York’s 3rd congressional district special election. This new six-figure digital ad buy brings WFW AF’s total investment to nearly half a million dollars, making it among the largest outside spenders in the race. Last month, WFW AF made an initial six-figure investment in digital ads, texting, and direct mail urging voters to support Pilip over Democrat Tom Suozzi in this battleground district.

“This special election is absolutely critical, and we are proud to be in the fight to hold this seat,” said WFW AF Executive Director Danielle Barrow. “Democrats know that Tom Suozzi’s open border policies are a huge liability for them. We are doubling down to ensure voters know that a vote for Mazi is a vote to secure our border once and for all.”


Mazi Pilip.
Soldier. Mother. Conservative Fighter.
In Congress, Mazi will secure the border.
Work with ICE to curb illegal immigration.
And stop Tom Suozzi’s open-borders agenda.
Vote Mazi Pilip: For a Safer Nassau County.

Winning For Women PAC has a strong track record of backing conservative women leaders, and I am thrilled to have their support in my bid for Congress,” said Mazi Pilip after she received WFW PAC’s endorsement last month. “New Yorkers have experienced firsthand what failed liberal policies have done to our state, and the third district needs someone who will work to secure our border, lower our taxes, and fund our law enforcement.”


The Winning For Women (WFW) entities were proud to provide women candidates with unprecedented resources in 2022. Through our SuperPAC, 501(c)(4) and connected PAC, and other hard dollar efforts, we raised over $17 million to support right-of-center women.

WFW conducted targeted issue advocacy campaigns, briefings with partner organizations, DC and in-district press events, and mentorship programs. Our political arm hosted national fundraisers that raised nearly $4 million in hard dollars, and WFW AF spent over $8 million in independent expenditure campaigns to advance women through contested races.

This cycle, WFW PAC has already backed over a dozen House candidates and incumbents running for re-election. WFW AF’s leadership and a large host committee raised over $800,000 for WFW PAC’s initial group of endorsed candidates at a single event. Last week, WFW PAC endorsed another round of House candidates – Nancy Dahlstrom (AK-AL), Laurie Buckhout (NC-01), Alison Esposito (NY-18), and Leslie Lewallen (WA-03) – maxed out to each candidate, and has already scheduled multiple fundraisers throughout the country to ensure they have the resources needed to win.