Winning For Women Launches Nearly $1M Ad Buy in Three Critical Districts

August 13, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Winning For Women (WFW) announced a nearly $1 million investment in a TV, mail, and digital advocacy campaign focused on advancing legislation to reduce costs for American families by cutting through bureaucratic red tape and curbing the excessive regulations imposed by the current Administration.

The ads will run in three House districts represented by WFW-endorsed leaders, Reps. Young Kim (CA-40), Michelle Steel (CA-45), and Jen Kiggans (VA-02) and make up the largest issue advocacy campaign WFW has run so far this cycle. They encourage voters to contact their representative and ask them to keep up the fight against inflation by supporting The Red Tape Reduction Act, which was introduced by another WFW-endorsed congresswoman, Rep. Ashley Hinson (IA-02).

“The Biden-Harris administration’s reckless spending and out-of-control regulatory regime have led to higher prices on virtually everything Americans need in their daily lives,” said Danielle Barrow, Executive Director of Winning For Women. “Our endorsed women are leading the fight to lower costs and have shown their willingness to work across the aisle to deliver real results and overdue relief for American Families.”

You can view each of the ads below.

“Lower Costs”
Young Kim (CA-40)

“Building Bridges”
Michelle Steel (CA-45)

Jen Kiggans (VA-02)


The Winning For Women (WFW) entities were proud to provide women candidates with unprecedented resources in the 2022 cycle. Through our SuperPAC – the first dedicated solely to electing Republican women, 501(c)(4) and connected PAC, and other hard dollar efforts, we raised over $17 million to support right-of-center women. WFW conducted targeted issue advocacy campaigns, briefings with partner organizations, DC and in-district press events, and mentorship programs. Our political arm hosted national fundraisers that raised nearly $4 million in hard dollars, and WFW AF spent over $8 million in independent expenditure campaigns to advance women through contested races.

This cycle, WFW PAC has already backed over a dozen House candidates and incumbents running for re-election. WFW AF’s leadership has raised over $1 million in hard dollars for WFW PAC’s endorsed candidates, with plans to raise millions more at fundraisers throughout the country to ensure they have the resources needed to win. WFW has also run issue advocacy campaigns in several states like California, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Virginia that focus on border security, inflation, and the economy.
