Why does it matter?
After months of inaction, there is finally movement in Congress to push forward a bill that would go after websites that enable sex trafficking.
What is happening to those sites now:
Not much. There aren’t that many legal consequences for when websites are caught “looking the other way” when their “adult sections” allow exploitation.
Who is doing something about it?:
Rep. Ann Wagner’s (MO-02) bill, the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) of 2017, H.R. 1865 – will be considered by the House of Representatives this week. WFW-endorsed Rep. Mimi Walters’ (CA-45) added an amendment and helped push the bill forward in the House.
What will it do:
The bill would allow websites which knowingly help or promote sex trafficking to be prosecuted. Walters’ amendment will allow victims of sex trafficking to sue those websites in civil court.
What comes next:
The bill will now head to the Senate after passing the House on Tuesday, February 27: 388 in favor and 25 against.
Where you can learn more: POLITICO, The Hill, The Ripon Advance, Newsmax, Bloomberg
This piece originally appeared in WFW’s Newsletter: Weekly Wins, Volume 3. Click here to sign up!