On February 6, the House of Representatives passed a resolution requiring every office in the House of Representatives to develop an anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy. And it was bipartisan!
Who sponsored the bill:
Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS) with Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA), Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA), Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN), and other members as co-sponsors.
What it does for employees:
Gives victims a dedicated advocate, and ensures that every office in the House of Representatives has an anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy.
What it does for Members of Congress:
Ensures due process for members accused of harassment; but also says that if a Member of Congress is harassed by another Member, that’s a violation of the House’s Code of Conduct.
What it does for taxpayers:
Provides transparency by publishing settlement information online; and violators need to repay any settlements paid for out of taxpayer funds.
What comes next:
Enactment. As the resolution only applied to the House of Representatives, the Senate and the President do not need to weigh in.
Where you can learn more: House Administration Committee, CNN, Time, NBC, Buzzfeed, The Hill.
This piece originally appeared in WFW’s Newsletter: Weekly Wins, Volume 1. Click here to sign up!